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Participation in the conference is opena both for professionals and young researchers. 

We warmly welcome every researcher, Ph.D. student, participant of scientific clubs, and students from technical universities to join this event.

We also encourage high school students who have an interest in the fields of energy and environmental protection to attend the conference. This is a unique opportunity to gain insights into cutting-edge research and innovative solutions in these critical areas.

Hybrid Delivery

To accommodate a diverse audience, the conference will be delivered both on-site and online (hybrid). This allows participants to choose the most convenient way to join the sessions, ensuring broader access and engagement regardless of location.


Participants can present their articles in either Polish or English. Each presentation is allocated a 15-minute time slot, which includes a short debate session. This format allows presenters to share their research findings and engage with the audience in a meaningful discussion.

Poster Session

There is also an opportunity for participants to present their research through posters. This provides an additional platform for showcasing work, allowing for more detailed discussions and feedback in an informal setting. Posters can be displayed both on-site and online, ensuring visibility to all attendees, regardless of their mode of participation.


Papers presented at the conference will have the opportunity to be published in a monograph or in scientific journals. This provides a valuable opportunity for researchers to disseminate their work widely, gain recognition in the scientific community, and contribute to the body of knowledge in their respective fields.

Certificates of Attendance

All participants will receive a certificate of attendance, recognizing their participation in the conference. This certificate serves as acknowledgment of their contribution to the event and can be valuable for professional development and academic recognition.

Conference Fees

We are pleased to offer different fee structures tailored to various types of participation in our upcoming conference. 


Fee Structure:

  • Students: Free of charge

  • PhD Students: 110 EUR (500 PLN) plus VAT (23%)

  • Professionals: 220 EUR (1000 PLN) plus VAT (23%)


What's Included:
The conference fee covers:

  • Participation in all conference sessions

  • Publication in the post-conference book (monograph)

Additional Publication Opportunities:
Professionals and PhD students have the opportunity to publish their presentations in one of our cooperating journals. Please note that while additional charges may apply for these journal publications, we are pleased to offer a reduction in the standard publication fee by 30-100%, depending on the journal.

Procedure for Conference Enrollment and Manuscript Publication

  1. Complete the Registration Form
    Fill in the online registration form to officially enroll in the conference.

  2. Pay the Conference Fee
    Submit the required conference fee to confirm your participation. It should be done on the basis of the document sent to you .

  3. Submit Your Manuscript
    Send in your manuscript along with your preferred journal for publication. The publication should be prepared according to rules shown on our webpage in section: Manuscript preparation guidelines.   Please note that free participation only includes publication in the conference monograph. Manuscript should be sent via email to: 

  4. Receive Publication Decision
    You will be notified promptly about the journal to which your manuscript has been assigned. Please note that the sooner you submit your manuscript, the sooner you will receive this decision. Early submission allows you more time to prepare your manuscript according to the journal's guidelines and expedite the publication process. While the submission deadline is December 6th, we strongly encourage early submission for a faster review and publication timeline. 

  5. Prepare Your Manuscript
    Once you receive the decision, prepare your manuscript according to the guidelines of the selected journal.

  6. Submit Manuscript to the Journal
    Submit your prepared manuscript to the chosen journal and follow all relevant submission procedures.

  7. Pay the Journal's Publication Fee
    After submission, pay the journal's publication fee directly to the Journal .


Important Note:
As an EPAE Conference participant, you will benefit from a significant reduction in the journal's publication fee, ranging from 30% to 100%. Even with the lowest reduction, your total costs (conference + publication) will be considerably lower than if you were to publish directly through the journal without attending the conference.


We look forward to your participation and contribution to making this conference a success!

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