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Call for papers

​​​We invite researchers, scholars, and practitioners to submit their contributions to the conference on topics related to environmental protection, environmental engineering, circular economy, and renewable energy.

Publication Opportunities

Submitted papers will undergo a rigorous review process by the conference's scientific committee. Accepted papers will be presented during the conference sessions.

Additionally, there are opportunities for publication in the following formats:

Peer-Reviewed Conference Monograph: Papers will be included in a conference monograph, providing authors with a platform to showcase their research to a wider audience. It is planned to publish monograph in English and the second in Polish. For manuscripts submitted in Polish the only form of publication is monograph.  

Scientific Journals: Outstanding papers may be selected for publication in reputable scientific journals, providing authors with further visibility and recognition in their respective fields (manuscripts submitted in English only).


The list of available journals:



As the journals are open access, a publication fee may apply. However, participants in our conference are eligible for discounted fees, typically a 30%-100% reduction. Details are available on the journals' webpages (links above). Please discuss the terms of publication with the editor.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Authors are invited to submit original research papers, case studies, and reviews relevant to the conference themes.

  • All submissions must be written in English or Polish and adhere to the conference paper template. Please follow the rules in Manuscript Preparation Guidelines. 

  • The manuscripts prepared in Polish could be published in Conference Proceedings (monograph) only.

  • Papers should be submitted electronically to the emial address: specified deadline.

  • Submissions will undergo a peer-review process to ensure the quality and relevance of accepted papers.

  • As an EPAE Conference participant, you will benefit from a significant reduction in the journal's publication fee, ranging from 30% to 100%. Even with the lowest reduction, your total costs (conference + publication) will be considerably lower than if you were to publish directly through the journal without attending the conference.

  • The full procedure is explained in Participation section

Important Dates:

  • Registration Deadline: October 30th. 2024

  • Notification of Acceptance: ongoing - usually 2 weeks after submission of manuscript.

  • Full paper submissions: December 6th 2024 

  • Conference Program announcement: November 30th.2024

  • Conference Date: December 6th 2024


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